Disneyland Paris reduces park hours from 14th September

Since the reopening of Disneyland Paris, the resort has been operating with already reduced park hours (10am – 8pm instead of the usual 10am – 11pm).

From Monday 14th September 2020, Disneyland Paris will further reduce opening hours to 10am – 6pm on weekdays for both parks. Then on weekends Disneyland Park will transition to 10am – 7pm with Walt Disney Studios running from 10am – 6pm.

These changes do not affect Extra Magic Time which will still run from 8:30am – 9:30am.

It remains to be seen whether the October holidays will see the extended opening hours return. It is clear that this “new normal” will be around for some time. We may have to wait until the clocks go back in order to enjoy Main Street USA at night once again.


