Halloween 2017 at Disneyland Paris: A trick or a treat?

As Autumn approaches and the last few radiant warmths of summer glimmer, the Disneyland Paris announcement machine begins to kick into action and the end of year festivities begin to take precedence. The last few months of any Disney Park year are jam-packed with a flurry of activity and special activities. Halloween and Christmas will soon be upon us and the 2017 offerings have been announced by Disneyland Paris.  The primary question on most fans lips was: how would the 25th anniversary festivities affect the seasonal celebrations? Let’s take a look at Halloween 2017 at Disneyland Paris.

Two new Halloween shows for 2017

The highlight is that Disneyland Paris will be introducing two new shows Goofy’s Skeletoon Party and Mickey’s Halloween Tricycle Gang will be taking place in Frontierland and Main Street USA respectively. These shows seem focused around new concepts that will allow the 25th anniversary festivities to remain on the castle stage for the duration of October. Goofy’s Skeletoon Party will also see rare characters Panchito and José from The Three Caballeros make a welcome return to the park.

A halloween pumpkin man in Frontierland at Disneyland ParisMickey’s Halloween Tricycle Gang seems to be a new concept that, on paper, sounds very odd and rather out of keeping with the season – however, with the quality of recent Disneyland Paris entertainment, I have no doubt that this show will be exceptionally well executed and will be a valuable addition of our Halloween season. The details on the two shows have been kept vague and so suspense will ramp up in the lead-up to the new season.

But what about the 25th anniversary?

All indications are that this continues pretty much as normal throughout the season of Halloween. The Halloween offering has been adapted in a way that will not impact the anniversary festivities either in a positive or negative way. The two are to be regarded as separate entities and never shall they meet. Is this a wise idea?

Halloween decorations on Main Street USA at Disneyland ParisIn short, no. Whilst the 25th anniversary festivities are important and for this one year should take priority, there is room to merge the two and create a Halloween with a special 25th flare. Small additions here and there to the schedule, minor modifications to decorations and shows. A range of Halloween merchandise with the rather beautiful 25 insignia included on it. This solution of the two being incompatible with each other is confusing.

Smaller in scale, but still exciting

Whilst Halloween is going to be slightly smaller in scale this year, the inclusion of the 25th suite of entertainment means that there will be a lot to do within the resort during this season. Additionally, the Halloween celebrations do not sound bad; while, yes, the the fan favourite cavalcade is taking a break, it is being replaced with new offerings. Who is to say that these new offerings do not find themselves being enjoyable and that fans begin demanding for their inclusion in the future?

Disneyland Paris celebrates Halloween from October 1st until November 5th 2017. 


