Peering over the fence: Taking a look at Ratatouille: L’Aventure totalement toquée de Rémy

How do you tell a Disneyland Paris fan from a regular guest? At the moment they’ll probably be hanging around Toy Story Playland with a big lens, or a mobile phone taking photos over a fence of a construction site. So, that’s exactly what I did in Disneyland Paris last week. On July 10th Disneyland Paris will be opening their 60th attraction which will be situated in the Walt Disney Studios Park; the ride, Ratatouille: L’Aventure totalement toquée de Rémy, will be one of the most state of the art Disney attractions ever featuring 3D trackless technology. So, let’s take a look at La Place de Rémy. Construction works on Disneyland Paris Ratatouille area. This photo was taken close to the Buzz Lightyear statues looking down the Rue de Paris. As you walk down this street you’ll see the Gusteau’s sign right in front of you along with the restaurant Bistrot Chez Rémy – the attraction itself will be located on the right hand side. Let’s take a closer look at that Gusteau’s sign. The Gusteau sign at Disneyland Paris Walt Disney Studios Park This is the new area’s weenie – and it is big. In fact, you can see it clearly from Cinémagique. The sign itself looks rather nice – the only problem are the trees ruining the forced perspective and the illusion that you actually are in Paris. But it’s a small price to pay. Moving across to another fence, this time the tunnel leading from Toy Story Playland into La Place de Rémy and this is the view that greets us: Construction works on Disneyland Paris Ratatouille La Place de Rémy From this picture you can see that a large amount of the floor has already been completed, with very little still to do. The entry to the restaurant can be clearly seen to the right whilst straight ahead is the oversized sign indicating the attraction entry. The large entry sign over the new Ratatouille attraction in Disneyland Paris This sign looks rather nice – the two sets of words are made up of lights which are sure to look rather spectacular at night. My only regret here is that I would have liked to have seen steam coming from the cooking pot. Construction of the fastpass ticket distribution at Disneyland Paris Ratatouille This sign has recently been taken away, but it’s a very classy looking sign for the FastPass distribution for the Ratatouille ride. The only concern is that the writing on the logo is in a colour which could render it illegible. La Place de Rémy construction. Disneyland Paris new Ratatouille attraction Here’s another view of La Place De Rémy; again, look how close the floorwork is from completion as well as the fountain which seems to grow daily. Disneyland Paris Ratatouille queue entrances L’Aventure Totalement Toquée de Rémy will contain three queues. The first being your average stand-by queue – nothing special there. The second queue will be a FastPass queue and the final queue will be a single riders line. The fastpass entry will be on the far left-hand side; the single-rider entry in the centre and the stand-by will be on the right-hand side. Turning our focus now to the facades. Disneyland Paris Ratatouille construction facades   Facades at Ratatouille in Disneyland Paris These facades look very good, and will only get better and more realistic with age. The imagineers have done an amazing job in creating Rémy’s Paris in Walt Disney Studios Park. A view of Disneyland Paris' Ratatouille from a tunnel And, that’s it from the view peering over the fence from me. Next time I’ll be in Disneyland Paris the attraction and area will be open. Let’s hope that is soon! To end this report I included a photo of a view from the tunnel walking into the area for the first time. Finally, I can say that the Walt Disney Studios park will have extended opening hours this summer – from 10:00 until 21:00 with the new restaurant Bistrot Chez Rémy having service from 11:00 until 20:30. When the park returns to its 10:00 – 18:00 opening hours, the restaurant will serve from 11:00 – 17:30. Weekends in September should see the studios park also open until 21:00. N.B. You may share these photos without hesitation! 


