Premium Fastpass: Is it worth it?

Disneyland Paris has released a range of premium Fastpass options, but are they worth the price? Will you get the use out of them?

For some time now, Disneyland Paris has offered a premium Fastpass service that sits alongside the existing free service. Initially a flat fee was payable for one ride on one attraction, since then more varied options have been introduced to fit a range of budgets and needs.

As part of the Mois de la Terre, I was given an Ultimate Fastpass to use during my stay. This version of the Fastpass provided one access to each Fastpass enabled attraction.

How does it work?

The use of these Fastpasses are very simple, but surprisingly fiddly. Upon purchasing the Fastpass you will be presented with a paper ticket (much like a park access ticket) with the names of all the eligible attractions printed on it, and a coloured bracelet. Essentially the idea here is that you can’t be in a group and hand around the Fastpass, only one person will be able to benefit.

Ultimate Fastpass - Disneyland Paris
Fastpass BINGO!

The bracelet idea does make sense, but it does feel like you need to jump through a weird set of hoops to be able to use it. It’s quite unlikely that if you are in a group, just one of you would go on Big Thunder Mountain and the rest hang around and wait for you to get off. It’s also worth noting that the bracelet is a horrible plastic bracelet, if you are buying as part of a package, you’ll be needing to keep it on throughout your stay – yuck!

Ultimate Fastpass Wristband at Disneyland Paris
It’s uncomfortable, but look at the sparkles!

The park ticket looks much like a bingo card with attraction names and a place to mark which you have done (on the Unlimited Fastpass, these holes are not needed). Depending on the attraction a Cast Member will either draw a line through the box – or, and no I am not joking, get out a hole punch and make a hole. The whole process of actually using these Fastpasses is very simple.

Is it worth the money?

This is all going to depend on your circumstances. The short answer for most guests is: no, not really. But it could be useful to you, let me explain.

If you are an annual pass holder who visits regularly, you’re probably not going to get the value out of these Fastpasses, you’ve likely done Tower of Terror countless times and if you’ve not done it on this trip, it’s going to be OK. But, if you are a casual guest visiting during the height of the Summer holidays or the Christmas season, you’re probably going to find this quite useful. And if you do buy one, getting to use all the attractions is not particularly difficult, you should be able to manage them all in one day without any rushing around.

Big Thunder Mountain at sunset in Disneyland Paris
With the Unlimited Fastpass, you can do on Big Thunder Mountain all day! Goals.

If you are the type of guest who would be gutted if you were unable to do all the big attractions during your visit, grab one of these, even if it is just for one day. You’ll have been able to take advantage of all the main e-tickets whilst also enjoying the traditional free Fastpass service! It’s not one or the other, you can double up on the Fastpasses and go from attraction to attraction.

Disney’s Fastpass can be bought online and at the parks, a wide range of options are available ranging from options that only include family attractions, or thrill attractions; as well as one access to every attraction or unlimited access to all attractions.

The Fastpass used for this review was the Ultimate Fastpass with one access to each attraction. This is priced at £52.77 (€60) off-peak, and £79.16 (€90) on peak days.


