Today, our friends over at DLRP Express revealed the logo for the upcoming Swing into Spring festival that begins next month – and with it the final confirmation that the event will actually be happening. The press release reads as follows:
Swing into a Disney Spring, blooming with magic at Disneyland® Paris. Color and music blossom throughout Disneyland® Park. And with the smell of flowers and fun in the air, it’s sure to be magnifiScent.
This confirms that flowers and music will be making up the big parts of this new festival – on top of that, new logos were revealed giving the fans their first glimpse of what kind of look and feel we can be expecting from the event. – Let’s remember that none of this, so far, comes from Disney directly.
It’s only a start, but this bodes very well for the spring festival; these are beautiful visuals that should tie us over for a few days and give us promise for the future. It was just yesterday that people were doubting that this information would even come. But now we need more, what does this event consist of, what can we expect? But what a wonderful starting point, a new season full of promise. It can only get better from here. I, for one, cannot wait to see this season evolve; spring is a beautiful time of year – done right, this season could be one of the jewels in the Disneyland Paris crowns.
More as soon as we get it!