The Disneyland Paris Week that was #2

Cinemagique blurredIt’s been a rather slow week in the Disneyland Paris community. Slow, but that doesn’t mean that nothing has happened. A few little interesting bits have been revealed, so let’s get to it.

Ratatouile: A date coming soon?

The question on everyone’s lips could soon be at an end if the news that @DisneylandBerry tweeted comes true. In just under two weeks we should have an opening date for Ratatouille; this date should come at the Disneyland Paris Annual General Meeting which is to be held in Cinémagique in the Walt Disney Studios Park on the morning of Wednesday 12th February 2014. It will not be the first piece of Ratatouille news to have come from the AGM as just 12 months ago, the attraction was officially announced at the same event.


Roses are red, violets are blue, no valentines news for you.

This really isn’t news, but for those of you expecting some news of the Valentines Day festivities in Disneyland Paris in two weeks, you’ll be disappointed to note that as of yet there is no news. Last year festivities included the debut of the Aristocats as well as a weekend of added character meets (where characters appeared as couples). As of yet, there is nothing to note; that doesn’t mean that there won’t be however.


New month, new poster. It’s time for the new pin releases to be announced, these can be seen on our dedicated pin pages (from tomorrow) as well as in various places across the community.

DLP Town Square

Dedicated to DLP

Community News

Long week? Well, for the Disneyland Paris community there isn’t too much to catch up on.  But like every week, there are some real standout posts you really should read.

Dedicated to DLP: Photo Friday – High Dynamic Range PhotographyAnother interesting photo style report from Steve!

DLRP Roundup: Wait times Excellent new way of seeing the wait times in Disneyland Paris, and easily accessible on your mobile at

DLRP Express: Merchandising Fin Janvier 2014See what’s new in the resort boutiques

Magical DLP: Interview – DLP Town SquareWant to know more behind the guy who runs this site? This is the place to look!


And that’s it for this week. Perhaps by the end of the month we’ll know lots more about the Ratatouille attraction and the mysterious festival du printemps.


