Weekly Review: St. Davids, Flowers and Rats.

Frozen Float blurred

In some ways it’s actually been a rather busy week for Disneyland Paris, in other ways it has not. The upside is, the Spring Festival is out there as official, the scaffolding is beginning to come down revealing more of the stunning facades on the Ratatouille area; the downside is that these pieces of news were so significant that they have been given their own articles. Well, let’s hop into the news.

Hello Spring!

Mickey head in flower

Today might seem like the first day of spring at Disneyland Paris, but the flowers are only just starting to bloom. Coming in the next few weeks will be the Spring into Spring festival. A festival that promises to bring colour, flowers, music and scents to the park. The unconfirmed rumours are that we shall see yet another face of the Casey Jr. float with a new character train concept, a show in Central Plaza, various new meet and greets, a new music show and much more!

This week, however, DLRP Express revealed logos, and a press release for the new season: This comes with a note that it has still not come from Disneyland Paris themselves, but I’m confident this is the real deal.

Articles from the community:

DLRP Express: Disneyland Paris communique sur le festival du printemps.

DLP Town Square: Swing into Spring: It’s Official

DLRP Today: Disneyland Paris Spring Festival speculation blossoms with logos, official text. 

More from the Rat?

Ratatouille is slowly taking shape. This week, a major minor development took place; the scaffolding coming down on part of the facade. The reason I’ve classified this as major-minor is simple: It’s a minor step, but a major thing to discuss.

Rather than repeat news, why not check out the top links from across the Disneyland Paris community.

Articles from the Community:

DLRP Today: Ratatouille text hints at smells and senses of the ride. Plus a chase from Chef Skinner.

DLP Town Square: Ratatouille: More details begin to emerge. 

St. David’s Day at Disneyland Paris

In an as if it were planned moment, the weekly news can feature things that happened on a Saturday (due to the delay in posting). So, here are a collection of tweets from yesterday’s festivities.



Other Community Articles

Whilst not exactly fitting into one heading, these bits of content are certainly worth reading.

Dedicated to DLP: Podcast 33 – The great character debate

DLRP Today: Belgian sand sculpture festival returns to Disneyland Paris “Sand Magic” theme.

Disney at the OSCARS

Last Sunday, the OSCARS took place in Los Angeles. The Disney winners are:

Animated Feature Film: Frozen

Original Song: Let it Go


See you next week for even more news!


